From around the world

News around the globe

From Around The World

On 8 March at 3 p.m. at the Pontifical College of Santa Croce in Rome there will be a lecture on the topic "Joseph Ratzinger's Elliptical Ecumenism" by Prof. Michael Root from the Catholic University in Washington.

On 24-25 March at the Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Heiligenkreuz there will be a conference on "Das Prophetische in dre Theologie von Papst Benedikt XVI. / Joseph Ratzinger" with Maximilian Heim, Christian Schaller, Jan-Heiner Tück and others.

Matthias Simperl, former assistant at the RIGG (2012/2013), was able to successfully complete his theological doctoral studies at the University of Augsburg with the rigorosum last Thursday. In his dissertation thesis submitted last year, "Das Schreiben der Synode von Antiochia 324/325 (Urk. 18). Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Einordnung, Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar", Simperl examines the letter of a synod that has survived exclusively in the West Syrian canon law tradition.

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14th February, 7.30 pm: "Die Johanniter: drei Momente im Werden einer katholischen Hospitalgemeinschaft auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Erzbistums Berlin", Lecture at the Diocesan Historical Society in the Archbishopric of Berlin - Parish of Holy Family, Wichertstr. 23, 10439 Berlin.
23rd February, 6 pm: "Raíz romana de la pintura sacra de Juan Cordero" - Talk with the Director of the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas of the Universidad Autónoma de México, Angélica Velázquez Guadarrma, and with the Mexican Ambassador to the Holy See, Alberto Barranco - via Zoom (Link).

Hamburg's Miniature Wonderland also has St. Peter's Basilica, of course, and next door - oh wonder! - the Campo Santo Teutonico, but - probably for reasons of space - without the church, the Görres Institute and the library, not to mention the lost audience hall. But the Campo Santo now has a magnificent flight of steps that is guaranteed not to be climbed by cars.

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The Dormitio Abbey on the Sion in Jerusalem has elected the director of the Jerusalem Institute of the Görres Society, Father Nikodemus Schnabel, as its new abbot. The abbey is an important religious and theological centre in the Holy Land. The Roman Institute wishes the abbey a blessed future. Photo: Fr Schnabel giving the sermon in S. Giovanni a Porta Latina at the RIGG summer festival.

The publishing house Schnell und Steiner in Regensburg has compiled its publications on Pope Benedict XVI. All these titles can also be found in the Joseph Ratzinger / Bendikt XVI Study Library at Campo Santo Teutonico. Particularly noteworthy is the inexpensive yet excellent series "Mitteilungen Institut Papst Benedikt XVI.", supervised by Dr. Christian Schaller, which offers numerous studies on the life and work of the professor, bishop and Pope Ratzinger.

In memory

from Paolo Liverani

Hugo Brandenburg left us at the age of 93 on the night of 25-26 December: he was one of the leading scholars of late antique and Christian archaeology.
After his studies at the University of Bonn with Andreas Rumpf, he worked at the Franz Joseph Dölger Institute until his transfer as referent for Christian Archaeology at the German Archaeological Institute in Rome, which was to become his home of choice. He qualified in Cologne with Heinz Kähler with a Habilitationsschrift on early Christian sarcophagi.

In 1982, he was called to the chair of 'Klassische Archäologie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Spätantike' at the University of Münster. In 1993, he finally obtained the teaching of Christian Archaeology at that university. In the following year, he became professor emeritus, but his scientific activity did not stop and even intensified: almost half of his scientific contributions were published after this date.

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The painter and sculptor Johann Martin von Wagner (1777-1858) is buried on the Campo Santo Teutonico. He was an art agent of Ludwig I of Bavaria. Since 2011, Prof. Dr. Hannelore Putz has been co-editor of the edition of the correspondence between King Ludwig and Wagner. Wagner made the University of Würzburg his main heir. The Wagner Museum on Residenzplatz with objects worth seeing goes back to this.