
The network continues to expand


Das RIGG ist seit 1888 Teil des akademischen Netzwerks der Görres-Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft (Bonn), die heute 20 Sektionen und 2 Auslandsinstitute aufweist. Das RIGG ist ein fachspezifisch historisch-archäologisches Forschungsinstitut, zugleich ein Wissenschaftszentrum, das in enger Kooperation mit den fachverwandten Sektionen der Görres-Gesellschaft steht, vor allem mit den Sektionen für Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Altertumswissenschaft (Alte Geschichte, Altphilologie, Archäologie) und Christlicher Orient.

Das RIGG ist seit Gründung der Unione Internazione degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell'Arte in Roma 1946 deren Mitglied. Diese Interessenvertretung von inzwischen 38 hochrangigen Forschungsinstituten in Rom vertritt die Interessen aller Institute, fördert ihre öffentliche Präsenz, stößt gemeinsame Forschungsinitiativen an und hilft den Mitgliedern etwa bei der Innovation ihrer Bibliotheken. 

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The Archivio Apostolico Vaticano gives patronage to the study meeting of the RIGG and the Hungarian Embassy to the Holy See on Augustin Theiner in October 2023.

In March 2017, RIGG held the conference "The Political Rise of the Papacy: Mobilisation, Media and the Power of Modern Popes" together with Prof. Dr Mariano Barbato from the Centre for Religion and Modernity at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

Informal cooperation has existed for decades. It began under Director Erwin Gatz. The contact between the RIGG and the research centre of the Commission for Contemporary History in Bonn, whose director from 1993-2015 was Prof. Dr Karl-Joseph Hummel, is particularly close. Together with him, the RIGG organised the conference on the 100th anniversary of the death of the rector of the Campo Santo Teutonico, Anton de Waal, the proceedings of which were published in a comprehensive volume Papality and Patriotism. The Campo Santo Teutonico: Place of the Germans between the Risorgimento and the First World War.

The Embassy of Hungary to the Holy See and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta has its own archival delegate in the person of the second secretary, Dr Krisztina Tóth. On 28 October 2023, the Embassy, together with the RIGG and the Archivio Apostolico Vaticano, will hold a conference on Augustin Theiner.

Together with Prof. Dr. Markus Schmidt from the University of Applied Sciences for Diakonia in Bethel, RIGG is organising the conference "Cult of the People. An Ecumenical Revision. The idea of the people in liturgical movements and reforms" (2021).

Together with Prof. Dr Dieter J. Weiß (Institute of Bavarian History at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) and Prof. Dr Rainald Becker (University of Bayreuth), RIGG organised the conference "Bavarian Romans - Roman Bavarians: Life Stories from Pre- and Early Modern Times" in November 2014.  From 23 to 26 February 2022, Prof. Dr Dieter J. Weiß and Dr Markus C. Müller will organise the conference "Commemoration without Borders: Pre-modern Memorial Cultures between Bavaria and Italy".

The RIGG has held two conferences together with chairs of the University of Mainz: in March 2013 the conference "Places of Refuge and Personal Networks: The Campo Santo Teutonico and the Vatican 1933-1955" with Prof. Dr Michael Matheus (Department of History) and in November 2015 the conference "Rome by Night: A Cultural History of Dream and Sleep in the Late Roman Empire" with Prof. Dr Christine Walde (Institute of Classical Studies).

The Melanchthon Centre in Rome, under the direction of Prof. Dr Martin Wallraff, has co-sponsored and supported the conference "Cult of the People: Popular Thought in Liturgical Movements and Reforms. An Ecumenical Revision" (23-27 Nov. 2021). The conference "Cult of the People: Popular Thought in Liturgical Movements and Reforms" in November 2021 will take place in cooperation with the Melanchthon Study Centre.

Since 2015, the RIGG has maintained active contact with the Pope Benedict XVI Institute, led by Bishop Dr Rudolf Voderholzer and Deputy Director Dr Christian Schaller, which makes its publications available to the Roman Ratzinger Study Library. Since 2020, there has been closer cooperation through scholarships for Roman theology students who wish to do research at the Regensburg Institute for a few weeks.

Mit der Universidad CEU San Pablo (Madrid), die in Trägerschaft der ACdP ist, kooperiert das RIGG seit 2019. Die Asociación Católica de Propagandistas vergibt ein Studienstipendium für einen spanischen Doktoranden zugunsten des RIGG.

The RIGG held two conferences organised by Prof. Dr. Andreas Sohn (Université Paris XIII Sorbonne) and Prof. Dr. Jacques Verger (Université Paris IV Sorbonne). Jacques Verger (Université Paris IV Sorbonne), some of which were also held at the Ecole Francaise de Rome: in February 2015 on "Franz Cardinal Ehrle (1845-1934): Jesuit, Historian and Prefect of the Vatican Library" and in February 2018 on "Ludwig von Pastor (1854-1928): University Professor, Historian of the Popes, Director of the Austrian Historical Institute and Diplomat".

In February 2014, RIGG hosted the conference "Vatican & "Racial Debate" in the Interwar Period - Status and Perspectives of Research" organised by Prof. Dr Thomas Brechenmacher (Chair of Modern History, German-Jewish History at the University of Potsdam) and Dr Peter Rohrbacher (Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna).

Since 2015, the RIGG has been working closely with the Fondazione Vaticana Joseph Ratzinger/Benedetto XVI, directed by Fr Federico Lombardi, with regard to the establishment of the Ratzinger Study Library at the Campo Santo Teutonico. Prof. Pierluca Azzaro and - for two years at a time - a scholarship holder of the Fondazione are in charge of the study library. Public Incontri della Biblioteca Joseph Ratzinger/Benedetto XVI with high-ranking speakers are organised at irregular intervals.