Roman Notes

Highlights from the cultural world of Rome

Roman Notes

Nikolas Möller

The remains of ancient buildings dating from the 8th century BC to the 2nd century AD came to light in 2014 during renovation work in a residential complex on the Aventine. The Roman domus, which was inhabited from the 1st century BC to the 2nd century AD and remodelled several times, impresses above all with its detailed mosaics and wall paintings. Then as now, it was not the poorest of Romans who lived here.

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The Vatican Secret Archives, now called the Vatican Apostolic Archives, had been headed since 1997 by the Barnabite Sergio Pagano (* 1948), who was consecrated bishop in 2007. The new prefect is the Augustinian priest Rocco Ronzani (* 1978) from the ‘Augustinianum’, a patristic scholar who was previously responsible for the archives of the Italian Augustinian Province. Pagano remains in the Vatican and also becomes Assessor of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences.

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The meeting of the student circles will take place in Rome again, this time focussing on the topic ‘On the Holy Year 2025: Holiness as the goal of theology and life’. The speakers will be Cardinal Kurt Koch, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, Stefan Heid, Stefan Würges, Helmut Hoping, Josef Spindelböck and Christoph Ohly. The event is open to all interested parties and will be broadcast by Radio Horeb and EWTN.


Anyone looking at Trajan's Column today will probably be delighted by the unobstructed view of the memorial to the emperor. At the time of its erection (112/113 AD), things were different, as the column was
column was surrounded by the wings of a library and the Basilica Ulpia. This created an inner courtyard, which is no longer preserved as such today.

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On the initiative of Prof Carla Salvetti from the Pontifical Institute for Christian Archaeology (but institutionally independent of it), a community was formed last year under the name ‘Post Scriptum’, which offers cultural events in Rome. The programme includes, for example, photo tours, visits to historical sites and lectures. The focus is on excursions to get to know archaeological, historical and artistic Rome better. You can become a member of the association.

Post Scriptum 

The Lateran University is offering a course on Jubilee Years from 15 October to 13 November 2024. The 10-lesson course will be held by Luigi de Palma (coordinator), Nicola Gadaleta (secretary), Angelo Lameri and Filippo Lovison, among others. Registration until 2 October.


It is well known that Pope Pius XII had his Secretary of State Luigi Maglione set up a special office - the ‘Ufficio della I Sezione per gli Ebrei’ - to process the petitions of persecuted Jews or persecuted Jews who had converted to the Catholic faith. These files can be viewed in full online in 170 folders. Each folder begins with a list of the persons dealt with in the file in question.

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The Libreria La Leoniana near St Peter's Square has the book ‘Altar and Church: Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity’ in its display. The new manager offers discounts to Görres members and also specifically advertises her customers' books. She also draws attention to out-of-the-way publications, such as the mosaic book by Veronika Seifert.

Altar and church