From around the world

News around the globe

From Around The World

The flourishing Young Forum of the Görres Society, with Secretary General Dr. Martin Barth and Prof. Britta Kägler, has now undertaken a trip to Israel after the Rome trip in 2022 and also visited the Jerusalem Institute of the Görres Society, founded in 1908. Georg Röwekamp introduced the history of the Jerusalem Institute. A visit to Director Nikodemus Schnabel, now abbot, was also on the agenda.

travel report

After thirty years at the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Vienna, Univ.-Prof. MMag. DDr. Rupert Klieber will give his farewell lecture on the topic: "Bishop appointments for Austria before and after 1918 - a leap in quality? And: What is Church History for?" on 23 May 2023 at 5 p.m. in the Franz-König-Saal / Main Building of the University.


Klieber is curator of the Bischofslexikon der Habsburgermonarchie.

Prof. Dr Michael Durst, priest of the Archdiocese of Cologne, who worked at the Campo Santo Teutonico from 1977 to 1980 - at times as Erwin Gatz's assistant - and was a member of the Antiquities Section of the Görres Society for many years, will give his farewell lecture as Professor of Ancient Church History and Patrology at the Chur School of Theology on 1 June at 5.15 pm. He will speak on "On the significance of archaeological finds and findings for the early history of the diocese of Chur". Durst's publications include dogmatic and diocesan history.
