Pius Engelbert of the Abbey of Gerleve died in Coesfeld on 6 October at the age of 87. He made a name for himself as a historian of the Middle Ages both in Germany and in Rome.
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- Written by: Stefan Heid
- Category: From around the world
News around the globe
Pius Engelbert of the Abbey of Gerleve died in Coesfeld on 6 October at the age of 87. He made a name for himself as a historian of the Middle Ages both in Germany and in Rome.
The 18th International Congress of Christian Archaeology was not only an academic event, but was also very well received by the public.
The priest Anton de Waal (1837-1917), rector of Campo Santo Teutonico since 1872, had been in Rome since 1868 and witnessed the fall of the Papal States during the Garibaldine war against the papal troops in 1870. They conquered Rome on 20 September of that year. De Waal wrote about his experiences in a novel that was published in 1901 and reprinted in 2011. It is now available as an audio book.
The Church History and Biblical Studies Department of the Catholic Faculty at the University of Salzburg is organising a remarkable conference on religious life behind the Iron Curtain. Roland Cerny-Werner (Salzburg) and Katharina Kunter (Helsinki) are responsible for the conference.
The 18th International Congress of Christian Archaeology in Belgrade (Serbia) came to a successful conclusion on 7 September. The first video recordings of the reception at Sirmium Town Hall and the museum visit are now available.
From 21 September to 26 January, the Paderborn Diocesan Museum is hosting a special exhibition entitled ‘Corvey and the Legacy of Antiquity: Emperors, Monasteries and Cultural Transfer in the Middle Ages’. 120 artefacts on loan can be admired. Dr Christiane Ruhmann has been the curator of the Diocesan Museum's special exhibitions for many years.
CIAC XVIII, which begins on 2 September in Belgrade, will open with a series of welcoming addresses, followed by the opening lecture by Stefan Heid, President of the Comitato Promotore Permanente of the International Congresses of Christian Archaeology. This lecture "Early Christianity between Liturgical Practice and Everyday Life - Thematic Insights" can already be listened to here.
Inaugural Lecture of the CIAC XVIII
The annual meeting of the German St. James Society in Augsburg (12.09.-15.09.2024), organised by Prof. Dr. Julia Burkhardt (LMU Munich), has the motto: ‘Pilgrims near and far - conjunctures and interrelationships of regional and long-distance pilgrimages’. The speakers include Dieter J. Weiß (Munich), Thomas Kieslinger (Augsburg), Eva Haverkamp (Munich) and Zachary Chitwood (Munich). The conference will also include visits and church services. Guests are welcome
The congress in Belgrade ‘Early Christianity between Liturgical Practice and Everyday Life’ is taking final shape. The full programme has been published. 200 lectures have been announced. The speakers come from all over Europe, many from East-Central Europe (Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, etc.). The congress language is largely English. Almost all PIAC lecturers and students will be attending - as at all congresses. The Nuncio will deliver a greeting from the Pope.
Jakob Ohm from Bielefeld spent his theological year in Rome in 2013/14, took part in the Rome seminar of the ‘Angelicum’ with S. Heid and was an assistant at the RIGG. Here he mainly helped with the editing of the conference proceedings ‘Places of Refuge and Personal Networks’. On 18 May, he was ordained a priest in Paderborn and will now work as a vicar in Herne. Congratulations!