From around the world

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From Around The World

Jakob Ohm from Bielefeld spent his theological year in Rome in 2013/14, took part in the Rome seminar of the ‘Angelicum’ with S. Heid and was an assistant at the RIGG. Here he mainly helped with the editing of the conference proceedings ‘Places of Refuge and Personal Networks’. On 18 May, he was ordained a priest in Paderborn and will now work as a vicar in Herne. Congratulations!

Datum: 2024-09-27
Ort: Regensburg

The program for the 126th General Assembly of the Görres Society in Regensburg has now been published. The AGM has already had to be postponed twice, but now the effort put into the preparations (Nikolaus Korber and Albrecht Weiland are on the local committee) is finally being rewarded.

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The Munich regional group invites interested parties to a lecture by Dr des. Annabelle Fuchs (LMU Munich). Topic: "How Aaron died and Moses ruled over Ethiopia - Unknown insights into medieval Jewish narrative literature". The lecture starts at 6.30 pm at the Institute of Egyptology, Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10, Room 242 (2nd floor) / 80333 Munich. Due to the subsequent restaurant visit, please register with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

On 21-22 June, a conference on Joseph Ratzinger and his view of Augustine will take place in Caen in Normandy - undoubtedly a remarkable conference at which Jacques Habert, Hugues Vermès, Isabelle Cohet, Jean-Pierre Batut, Juliette de Dieuleveult and Davide De Caprio will speak.

From 10 to 14 July, the "Benedict XVI Forum - A Guide to Christianity" will take place in Altötting (with television broadcast). Speakers include the three "Romans" Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prof Ralph Weimann and Prof Markus Graulich.

The history of the early Christian collection in the Vatican in its old inventory and in the old buildings of the Campo Santo Teutonico is richly illustrated with historical photos and described in the book "Wohnen wie in Katakomben" by Stefan Heid. It is currently on display in the Berlin Gemäldegalerie, so famous is it. Viewed by Ignacio García.


The Swiss historian Dr Lorenzo Planzi, who joined the RIGG in 2018 after spending several years in Rome for his research, will give his habilitation lecture (trial lecture) on the "sante vive" at the University of Fribourg. This refers to a religious women's movement in northern Italy in the 15th/16th century.
