From around the world

News around the globe

From Around The World

On 24 January at 5 p.m., Prof. Dr Helmut Hoping will give his farewell lecture at the University of Freiburg i.Br. (Kollegiengebäude I, Aula) on the topic of ‘Mind and Universe. The Enigma of Consciousness’. Hoping is a full professor of dogmatics and liturgical science and has taken part in the two RIGG liturgical conferences ‘Operation am lebenden Objekt’ and ‘Kult des Volkes’. He is also known for his work in the Ratzinger Schülerkreis.

The special exhibition ‘Carpaccio, Bellini and the Early Renaissance in Venice’, including the altarpieces by Vittore Carpaccio, can be seen at the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart until 2 March. Altarpieces played a central role in Catholic mass practice until they were abolished following the introduction of popular altars after the Second Vatican Council.

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Every year, the Gesellschaft für Frankfurter Geschichte e.V. offers remarkable lectures on Frankfurt's city history, currently on the topic of ‘Frankfurt in the Weimar Republic’. The lectures usually take place in the Archaeological Museum Frankfurt (former Carmelite monastery).


Dr Filip Malesevic (Fribourg), who spent a research stay at the RIGG in autumn, is now moving to the private Bilkent University in Ankara as Assistant Professor for European Modern History (tenure-track). His latest book ‘Rome Unveiled: Cardinal Cesare Baronio, San Giovanni in Laterano, and the Liturgical Spaces of the Roman Curia in the Late Cinquecento’ is due to be published in the spring. He recently published a study on St Peter's and Santa Maria Maggiore.

The Theo-Talk organised by the Catholic Adult Education Department of the Diocese of Trier welcomes Stefan Heid on 9 December. He will be speaking on the topic of ‘Trier and Rome - of archaeologists and prelates’. Ludwig Kaas, of course, but also Theodor Konrad Kempf, Alois Thomas, Stephan Ehses and others will play a role.
