Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI Study Library
On 18 November 2015, the " Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI Roman Library" was inaugurated at Campo Santo Teutonico as part of the joint library of the priests' college and the RIGG. The collection, which has now grown to 2,000 titles, is not the Pope's former private library, but the publications of the provost and Pope Ratzinger in all languages and studies about him. This library, whose core holdings were donated by Pope Benedict himself, is to be made accessible to the public according to his will in the joint library supervised by the Roman Institute of the Görres Society. This is guaranteed during the general opening hours (Monday to Thursday 15.30-19.30).
Scientific contact: Prof.
Benefactor and patrons:
- His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
- Fondazione Vaticana Joseph Ratzinger / Benedetto XVI
- Gedächtnisstiftung Peter Kaiser (1793–1864), Vaduz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein
- Segreteria di Stato
- Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede
- Ufficio delle Celebrazioni Liturgiche del Sommo Pontefice
- Deutsche Bischofskonferenz
- Institut Papst Benedikt XVI., Regensburg
- Libreria Editrice Vaticana
- Schwabenverlag AG
- fe-Medienverlag
- Verlag Parole et Silence
- Editura Sapientia
- Verlag Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg
- Verlag Herder, Freiburg i.Br.
- Kunstverlag Josef Fink, Lindenberg im Allgäu
- St. Benno Verlag
- Katholisches Bibelwerk
- Abbazia di Praglia
- Edizioni Solfanelli
- Comenius-Universität Bratislava
- Universität Oppeln, Theologische Fakultät
- Biblioteca di Sardegna - Cargeghe
- L'Osservatore Romano, Redaktion der deutschen Wochenausgabe
- Centrum Informationis Catholicum (KNA)
- Radio Vaticana
- VATICAN magazin
- KOMMA. Das Magazin für Freiheit & christliche Kultur
- Fondazione pro Musica e Arte Sacra
- Archiv des Erzbistums München und Freising
- Erzbruderschaft zur Schmerzhaften Mutter Gottes am Campo Santo Teutonico
- Joseph-Höffner-Gesellschaft
- Angela Ambrogetti
- Matthias Ambros
- Ewald Andratsch
- Julian R. Backes
- Paul Badde
- Pablo Bianco Sarto
- Sergio Billi
- Antoine Bodar
- Michael Böhles
- Achim Buckenmaier
- Helga Bunke
- Kardinal Raymond Burke
- Daniel Cardó
- Giancarlo Caronello
- Davide De Caprio
- Michelangelo De Donà
- Joao Paulo de Mendonca Dantas
- Andrej Nicolai Desczyk
- Yvonne Dohna Schlobitten
- Nabil el-Khoury
- Raffaele Farina
- Hans-Peter Fischer
- Luca Fornaciari
- Georg Gänswein
- Grzegorz Galazka
- Ignacio García Lascurain Bernstorff
- Bogdan Giemza SDS
- Johannes Grohe
- Giorgio Groppo
- Manfred Hauke
- Stefan Heid
- Bernd Heidenreich
- Michael Hesemann
- Olav Hovdelien
- Emilia Hrabovec
- Wilhelm Imkamp
- Norbert Jung
- Stefan Kiesewetter
- Warren Kirkendale
- Kardinal Kurt Koch
- Winfried König
- Fabian Lechner
- Federico Lombardi SJ
- P. Stefan Lupu
- William Peter Mahrt
- Marco Mancini
- Emilio Marin
- Karl-Heinz Menke
- Clara Miyamoto
- Helmut Moll
- Karl August Neuhausen
- Wolfgang Ockenfels
- Luigi Orlandini
- Aldo Parmeggiani
- Georg Ratzinger
- Wlodzimierz Redzioch
- Lothar C. Rilinger
- Lothar Roos
- Santiago Sanz Sánchez
- Anton Strukelj
- Ileana Sviben
- Isabel C. Troconis Iribarren
- Roderik van Attekum
- Raimondo Villano
- Rudolf Voderholzer
- Hermann Weber
- Albrecht Weiland
- Rainer Woelki
- Kamil Zadrozny
- Ryszard Zajaczkowski
- Giorgio Zannoni
- Details
- Written by: Super User
- Category: Library
- Hits: 4330