Where the past has a future

Forum for Historical Research since 1888

Lectures and Conferences

25 January: Görres Lecture: Chiara Cecalupo speaks about the catacombs

Dr Chiara Cecalupo, Professor of Museology at the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology in Rome, will speak on the subject of ‘The fascination of the catacombs in 19th/20th century European Catholicism’.

Start: 6 pm

Location: Aula Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

For participation via Zoom please contact Stefan Heid.


The originally planned lecture by Sible de Blaauw will take place at a later date.

Jobs & Scholarships

Roman Notes & From the Institute

New member of the RIGG: Johannes Kindler

Johannes Kindler comes from Schierling in the Upper Palatinate and is a priest of the Missionaries of the Holy Cross. He has been studying in Rome at the Dominican University Angelicum since 2023. He is currently in the process of completing his licentiate with a Mariological thesis with a special focus on the theology of Joseph Ratzinger. Outside of his studies, he is working in a branch of his order in the diocese of Tyler in Texas.

From around the world

The Diocese of Regensburg honours Dr. Albrecht Weiland

On Friday, 24 January, a major ceremony was held in Regensburg to mark the 70th birthday of publisher Dr Albrecht Weiland in the presence of Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer, as reported in detail on the diocese's website. Weiland, who worked for many years in Rome at the Campo Santo Teutonico and is still heavily involved as an honorary member of the Archconfraternity there, having built up a well known art and science publishing house over decades, received a comprehensive commemorative publication that not only reflects his broad circle of colleagues and friends, but also his own wide-ranging interests.
