The Director is supported in his tasks by the Directorate, which fulfils the function of a scientific advisory board. Its members are appointed by the Board of the Görres Society for an indefinite period (Statutes § 7). "The task of the Board of Directors is to promote the scientific work of the Institute. Its members meet in ordinary session annually within the framework of the General Assembly of the Görres Society" (§ 8).

The current members of the Board of Directors are:

goerres presidentProf. Dr. Bernd Engler
President of the Görres Society

President of the Directory Board

Member of the scientific advisory board of the Roman Quarterly



Dr. Martin Barth
General Secretary of the Görres Society

born member of the Board of the Foundation for the Promotion of the Roman Institute of the Görres Society




   Dr. Ignacio García Lascurain Bernstorff 

   (since 11.10.2024)






Prof. em. Dr. Johannes Grohe
Professor of Ecclesiastical History at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce

Member of the Board of the Foundation Stiftung zur Förderung des Römischen Instituts der Görres-Gesellschaft

Scientific Consultant for Council History 

2012-2024 Vice Director of the RIGG 

Prof. em. Dr. Karl-Joseph Hummel 
Honorary professor for Ecclesiastical History at the University of Erfurt






PorträtphotoDr. Johan Ickx 

Archivar of the Historical Archive of the Secretary of State

Vice Director of the RIGG (since 11.10.2024)





PorträtphotoProf. em. Dr. Michael Matheus 
Professor of Medieval and modern History and Comparative Regional History at the University of Mainz





PorträtphotoProf. Dr. Arnd Uhle 
Professor of Public Law at the University Leipzig.