Orte der Zuflucht und personeller Netzwerk
Michael Matheus, Stefan Heid (ed.) | 2015
Der Campo Santo Teutonico und der Vatikan 1933-1955
Vorträge der Tagung des RIGG vom 21. bis zum 23. März 2013
Supplement volume 63 of the Roman Quarterly
Today it is known that after 1933 about 18,000 Jews and about 2,000 other emigrants from the National Socialist sphere of power found refuge in Italy, among them numerous scientists. German-speaking researchers also found refuge after 1933 in Vatican institutions as well as in the exterritorially located Campo Santo Teutonico, Rome's oldest German national foundation, but a more intensive study of this topic had yet to be undertaken. A conference held at the Campo Santo in March 2013 on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Roman Institute of the Görres Society (RIGG) aimed to close this research desideratum. This volume documents the conference papers. An exciting piece of German academic history.
Authors: Christof Dipper, Günther Wassilowsky, Ludwig Schmugge, Annette Vogt, Paul Zanker, Johan Ickx, Stefan Heid, Gregor Wand, Anselm Doering-Manteuffel, Karl-Joseph Hummel, Rudolf Morsey, Michael Matheus, Paolo Vian, Sergio Pagano, Arnold Nesselrath, Klaus Schatz, Dominik Burkard, Norbert M. Borengässer
Verlag Herder 1. Auflage 2015
Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag, 592 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30930-4
- Details
- Written by: Super User
- Category: Publications