Curate Bestle with the sisters of the Campo Santo Teutonico in Nemi

On February 1, the newly appointed Rector Konrad Bestle (diocese of Augsburg in Bavaria), who until now was Curate at the Anima (and thus also took care of the free semesters and the German School), begins his office. He succeeds Rector Prelate Dr. Hans-Peter Fischer (Freiburg i.Br.), who held this office for twelve years. Fischer had been discharged on December 8 with a ceremony on the part of the Bishops' Conference and the Archconfraternity as well as on the part of the Görres Society.

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Prelate Fischer, who remains in Rome as a judge of the Rota, was bidden farewell by the College in a small house party on January 29 on the occasion of his departure. This included the group photo with all the Görresians among the College residents.