Prof. Dr Rainald Becker (Augsburg) and Dr Christof Botzenhart (Munich) have written a high-profile part of recent history, namely the history of the prime ministers since the end of the First World War. There are 18 personalities (prime ministers without -*/innen) whose biographies and understanding of office are presented. It also shows the development of the Free State from an agrarian culture to a hypermodern state with all its advantages and risks.

Although the book does not begin until after the First World War, it also takes into account the earlier forms of the office from the 18th to the early 20th century. The founder and first president of the Görres-Gesellschaft, Georg Graf von Hertling, who was Bavarian Minister President from 1912 to 1917 and subsequently became Chancellor of the Reich, is also included



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Stefan Heid
Campo Santo Teutonico
00120 Città del Vaticano 
+39 06 698 92 672

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Görres-Gesellschaft Bonn

Geschäftsstelle der Görres-Gesellschaft
Adenauerallee 19
53111 Bonn