The lectures from the conference "Benedictines as Scholars", which took place in St Peter's in Salzburg in 2018, have now been published by EOS, edited by Andreas Sohn (Paris).

The volume covers the entire history from the Middle Ages to the present day and presents 17 biographies of scholars from a wide range of disciplines from monasteries in France, England, Italy, Germany and Austria.

Only the contributions by Wolfgang Augustyn (Munich) - the iconography of monastic scholarship - and Joachim Schmiedl - on the DNA of Benedictine scholarship - who unfortunately died all too soon - stand out from this biographical framework. Schmiedl's contribution also provides a kind of résumé of the conference, which he develops in seven points (p. 364f). Many Benedictines today will recognise themselves in his observations. He also rightly refers to the foundation of scholarship through Benedict's Rule.

There are contributions from Reinhard Meßner, Christof Paulus, Pius Engelbert, Korbinian Birnbacher, Christine M. Grafinger, Michaela Sohn-Kronthaler and Martin Klöckener, among others. Rudolf Schieffer, who had agreed to attend the conference, unfortunately passed away a few weeks earlier.

to the book



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