Waltrudis Hoffmann and Barbara Pfeffer, who have been offering courses on art and music in Rome for years, have published a marvellous book about the piano virtuoso, composer and writer Franz Liszt (1811-1886) in Rome and Tivoli, probably as a rich harvest of their experiences. Liszt lived in the Eternal City from 1861.

If you still need a post-Christmas present: here it is!

This is not the place to rhapsodise about the genius of Liszt. But this much can be said: in this consistently bilingual, richly illustrated volume, the authors succeed in familiarising the reader with both the personality of Liszt and 19th century Rome. This is the result of years of meticulous research into all the memories of Liszt in the Eternal City.

The fact that the Campo Santo Teutonico is also mentioned in detail has nothing to do with the fact that Liszt was there or was a member of the Archconfraternity. The reason is rather that the tombs of two people from Liszt's close circle of friends are there: that of Carolyne von Sayn-Wittgenstein and that of Cardinal Gustav von Hohenlohe.

The following places - apart from the Campo Santo - are covered in the book: Piazza del Popolo, Chiesa dei Santi Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso, Via dei Greci 43, Via del Babuino 89, Piazza di Spagna, Hotel Alibert, Sala Dante a Palazzo Poli, Monastero Madonna del Rosario, Piazza San Pietro, Santa Francesca Romana, Palazzo Caffarelli sul Campidoglio, as well as Tivoli and Albano.

to the book


Kontakt Direktor

Stefan Heid
Campo Santo Teutonico
00120 Città del Vaticano 
+39 06 698 92 672

IBAN DE07 3705 0299 0000 3729 61     BIC: COKS DE 33
Stichwort "Spende RIGG" oder "Mitgliedsbeitrag RIGG"

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