Hommage an Joseph Ratzinger / Papst Benedikt XVI.

Stefan Heid / Johannes Grohe (edd.) | 2024

72 Supplement of the Römische Quartalschrift


The ‘Historical Intuitions’ are a tribute to the debating scholar that Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI is remembered as by those who experienced him. The contributions come from historians of the Roman Institute of the Görres Society, who see themselves encouraged by Ratzinger to ‘seek the truth and the good with a free and responsible spirit’. The search for truth is inconceivable without entering into one's own, often problematic history - both in the details of historical research and when looking at the broad outlines of the course of time. It requires the perception of what has been and, building on this, judgement and, following this, the courage to debate. The book presents a lavish bouquet of studies and essays from the early Christian era, the Middle Ages, papal history, the scholarly world, Bavarian history, liturgy and art.

Print House Herder, Freiburg i.Br. 2024

632 pages

ISBN: 978-3-451-39572-7
