Bayerische Römer - römische Bayern
Rainald Becker / Dieter J. Weiß (ed.) | 2016
Lebensgeschichten aus Vor- und Frühmoderne
Now 1300 years ago, Duke Theodo of Bavaria was the first of his tribe to make a pilgrimage to Rome, as we learn from the Liber pontificalis. After him, too, numerous Bavarians found their way to Rome: missionaries, even future popes, bishops and clerics, kings and princes, scholars and humanists, artists, painters and musicians, merchants and craftsmen, students and many others. This volume examines the lives of selected personalities from the Bavarian, Franconian and Swabian regions who came into contact with Rome. The influence of Rome is explored, as well as the traces that Bavarians left behind in Rome and the repercussions of these encounters on the Bavarian region.
Verlag EOS, St. Ottilien, 1. Auflage 2016
386 pages
ISBN: 978-3-8306-7771-0
- Details
- Written by: Stefan Heid
- Category: Publications