Das Buch der Päpste - Liber Pontificalis
Klaus Herbers / Matthias Simperl (Hg.) | 2020
Ein Schlüsseldokument europäischer Geschichte
Supplement volume 67 of the Roman Quarterly
presentation su Youtube (Klaus Herbers)
The Liber pontificalis is one of the most important and dazzling sources of papal and Roman church history and a key document for the cultural development of Europe. Its depictions of Roman bishops span a period from the first to the 15th century: from the Apostle Peter to Pope Martin V. This volume makes the "Book of the Popes" accessible with new interpretations discussed at an international conference at Campo Santo Teutonico (Vatican City). The 20 contributions deal with the text as a medium of communication in medieval Europe as well as a source for modern papal history. The chronological arc ranges from the beginnings of the work in the sixth century to early and high medieval continuations and receptions as well as the fate of the Papal Book in the Renaissance to the history of research and editing associated with it. For the first time, readers are offered a practical introduction to the study of modern text editions of the Liber pontificalis.
Authors: Klaus Herbers, Matthias Simperl, Andrea Antonio Verardi, András Handl, Eckhard Wirbelauer, Paolo Liverani, Stefan Heid, Rosamond McKitterick, Lidia Capo, Vera von Falkenhausen, Bruno Bon, Francois Bougard, Veronika Unger, Carola Jäggi, Michael Brandt, Michel Sot, Knut Görich, Stephan Pongratz, Thomas Kieslinger, Stefan Bauer, Andreas Sohn.
Verlag Herder, Freiburg i.Br. 2020
496 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-38867-5
- Details
- Written by: Stefan Heid
- Category: Publications