Blutzeuge: Tod und Grab des Petrus in Rom
Christian Gnilka, Stefan Heid, Rainer Riesner | 2. Auflage 2015
Peter's death and tomb in Rome have always been a subject of lively debate. This volume examines this question on the basis of texts from the New Testament and the Church Fathers and presents new findings on an old controversial issue.
If Peter had never been in Rome, as has recently been claimed again, this would be a severe blow to the papacy, which after all refers precisely to the tomb of the prince of the apostles and the succession to Peter. The volume therefore examines texts of the New Testament from a new angle, the 1st Letter of Clement and writings by Tertullian and Cyprian. A key position is occupied by Ignatius' letter to the Christians in Rome, which proves to be genuine and meaningful. It proves to be a new, surprising approach to the Christian veneration of martyrs in its earliest development. Thus Peter and Paul did not remain alone in Rome: with the persecutions under the emperors Decius and Diocletian, the number of blood witnesses there grew considerably. Visiting their graves on the anniversaries became a trademark of Roman liturgy.
Softcover, 198 pages, Ill.
Verlag Schnell und Steiner, Regensburg
ISBN 978-3-7954-2414-5
- Details
- Written by: Stefan Heid
- Category: Publications