English and italian books of Schnell & Steiner in Tübingen
As every year, there was a large table at the General Assembly in Tübingen with news from Schnell & Steiner. The publishers had the magnificent old Senate Hall to themselves: Dunker Humblot, Schöningh, Aschendorff and others.
Felix and Albrecht Weiland, together with Stefan Heid, were pleased about a whole series of publications that are currently in print in several languages and will appear shortly:
- S. Heid, Altar und Kirche. Prinzipien christlicher Liturgie, 3., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2023 (16th October)
- S. Heid, Altar and Church. Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity, Altar and Church. Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity, engl. Übers. der 3. dt. Auflage, erscheint in Verbindung mit der Catholic University of America Press, Washington (16th October)
- S. Heid / Th. Kieslinger, Hugh O'Flaherty. Der Held des Campo Santo, 2., veränderte Auflage 2023 (in November)
- S. Heid / Th. Kieslinger, Hugh O'Flherty. The Hero of the Campo Santo Teutonico, übers. von Frances Livings (in November)
- S. Heid / Th. Kieslinger, Hugh O'Flaherty, L'eroe del Campo Santo Teutonico, übers. von Nicola Gadaleta (in November)
- Details
- Written by: Stefan Heid
- Category: From around the world