The Gesellschaft zur Konziliengeschichtsforschung (Society for Research on the History of Councils), led by Prof. Dr Johannes Grohe (Rome) and Prof. Dr Thomas Prügl (Vienna), is holding an outstanding conference at the University of Bamberg in the run-up to the 1700th anniversary of the first ecumenical Council of Nicaea (325). Among the speakers are Thomas Graumann, Evangelos Chrysos, Josef Rist, Hanns Christof Brennecke, Matthias Simperl, Giulio Maspero, Winfried Büttner, Petar Vrancic, Alberto Ferreiro, Johann Anton Zieme, Ralf van Bühren, Uwe Michael Lang, Ansgar Frenken, Ulli Roth, Peter Bruns, Szilvia Somogyi and Federica G. Giordani.
