In view of its 100th anniversary, the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology has published a very attractive volume in which all the current professors describe the history of their discipline. The square volume is illustrated with many historical and current photos. The editors are Chiara Cecalupo and Stefan Heid.

Information and Acquisition


Kontakt Direktor

Stefan Heid
Campo Santo Teutonico
00120 Città del Vaticano 
+39 06 698 92 672

IBAN DE07 3705 0299 0000 3729 61     BIC: COKS DE 33
Stichwort "Spende RIGG" oder "Mitgliedsbeitrag RIGG"

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Görres-Gesellschaft Bonn

Geschäftsstelle der Görres-Gesellschaft
Adenauerallee 19
53111 Bonn