Dr Alexandra Mütel, archivist and art historian in Basel, archivist and art historian in Basel, married to Matthias Mütel, has published her dissertation on Allegory in Roman Baroque Sculpture, written in Rome in 2011-2015. She has thus contributed an extremely valuable book to the interpretation and better understanding of the Baroque statues that look at you on every corner of Rome. Worth reading not only for art historians but also for interested visitors to Rome!

Particularly characteristic and trend-setting works are thus the inspiration for the fundamental developments of the epoch. Both the changes in visualisation strategies and in the demands on allegorical pictorial works up to the much-cited crisis of allegory in the 18th century are traced. Core topics also include Baroque theology of virtue, especially with regard to the process of confessionalisation, questions of pictorial language and its relationship to the other genres of allegorical art. The perspective of artists and patrons is central when it comes to questions of material choice and concrete design.

see the book


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