Franz Weidemann, a parish priest in the Dortmund-Mitte who comes from Upper Silesia, received his doctorate in Wroclaw in 2004 with a thesis on "The life and pastoral work of Archbishop DDr Johannes Dyba, Bishop of Fulda (1983-2000)". In 2020, he drew Dyba's "spiritual silhouette" in a small volume.

Dyba always stayed overnight at Campo Santo Teutonico when he was in Rome - still during the time of Rector Erwin Gatz. But his connection to the Priests' College goes back much further. Dyba first signed the College's guest book in 1960: "Dr. Johannes Dyba, Cologne (Pontificia Accademia Ecclesiastica)". So he was in diplomatic training at the time and apparently stayed at the College from 17 September to 8 November. Then he signed in again on 3 February,. 3 July and 26 October 1961, and on 17 June and 19 October 1962 and 7 October 1963, when he was at lunch on feast days.  



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