Visit Rome

Research stays of professors and young academics

German-speaking professors who are members of the Görres Society and wish to spend some time in Rome can, if necessary, stay at the priests' college on guest terms. Perks include the in-house library and easy access to the Vatican and other academic institutions. Interested persons should first contact the director of the RIGG. The Rector of the priests' college will then decide on admission as a guest.

Short stays for young researchers

Individual financial support without the red tape for short research stays of young scholars of the Görres Society in Rome is possible on the part of the Foundation for the Promotion of the RIGG, either for their own research in Roman libraries and archives or for participation in conferences of the RIGG. The person concerned does not have to stay at the priests' college. Interested persons should contact the Director of the RIGG in a timely fashion.

Are you planning a visit to Rome? We have put together some tips for you that might help.

First of all, here's something very practical: there is an excellent app for Roman city transport that shows you, for example, how many minutes you still have to wait for your bus.

Cultural Events & Academic Rome Tours

The cultural calendar (exhibitions, guided tours etc.) of the city of Rome can be found here.

The Bibliotheca Hertziana  and the German Historical Institute offer selected guided tours in German for a wider public.

The Roman Institute of the Görres Society offers public lectures and a sommer festival every year.

Necropolis of Santa Rosa, Tomb of St. Peter, Catacombs, Vatican Museums

We often receive requests for guided tours of the "new" necropolis of Santa Rosa within the Vatican, the "Scavi" under St. Peter's or even the catacombs.


  1. Santa Rosa or Necropolis on the Via Triumphalis.
    This is a recently uncovered necropolis that is definitely worth seeing. A visit is only possible via the Vatican Museums. A visit is only possible after online registration via the Vatican Museums. Click on the category Visite guidate gruppi/singoli on this page
  2. Scavi di San Pietro.
    This refers to the accessible excavations at the tomb of St. Peter below the grottos of St. Peter. In this case, too, written registration by e-mail is required. Here are the details.
  3. Catakombs
    Anyone can organise their own visit to a public catacomb. Visits to non-public catacombs are not permitted unless they are strictly scientific. The Commissione di Archeologia Sacra is responsible for visits to non-public catacombs and you must apply to them
  4. The Vatican Museums have an excellent website. There you will also find information about bus tours of the Vatican Gardens and much more. Strongly discouraged are street vendors offering overpriced "skip the line" tickets. The Vatican itself sells such tickets at considerably cheaper rates where the Vatican Post Office is (St Peter's Square, left side, by the toilets and bookshop), or online.
  5. For more information on St. Peter's Basilica, St. Peter's Tomb, the Wednesday Audiences, the Vatican Museums and Vatican Gardens click here.
  6. For excellent concerts of sacred music in Rome You should contact the Foundation of Sacred Music and Art.

Professional Rome guides: history, art history, classical and christian archaeology

There are a number of excellent German-speaking Rome guides around RIGG and the Archconfraternity of Campo Santo who can be contacted for individual or group tours:

Jedes Jahr verbringen mehrere Dutzend deutschsprachige Theologen ihr Freijahr in Rom, um an einer der dortigen Universitäten und Hochschulen zu studieren. Wichtiger Ansprechpartner ist das Deutsche Pilgerzentrum (Pfr. Werner Demmel). Für Mitglieder einer katholischen Studentenverbindung empfiehlt sich auch die Kontaktaufnahme mit der Capitolina. Evangelische Freisemester finden einen Partner im Melanchton-Zentrum.

Darüberhinaus siehe weiter unten eine Liste deutschsprachiger Ansprechpartner der verschiedenen Hochschulen. Die dort genannten Kollegen stehen untereinander in Kontakt und helfen gern weiter.

Lehrveranstaltungen am Angelicum:

Jedes Jahr bietet Stefan Heid im Wintersemester ein Romseminar für deutschsprachige Freisemester an (mittwochs, 15.30-17.15 Uhr).

Hier finden Sie nähere Informationen.

Crashkurs Christliche Archäologie

Das Päpstliche Institut für Christliche Archäologie (via Napoleone III, 1, bei Santa Maria Maggiore) bietet jedes Jahr von November bis April für 200 Euro (zuzüglich 60 Euro für Prüfung und Diplom) einen Crashkurs an, bei dem jeden Samstag von 9.30-11.30 Uhr ein Professor sein Fach vorstellt (mit einer Reihe von Führungen). Die Vorlesungen werden auf Italienisch gehalten. Nach einer Abschlussprüfung kann ein Zertifikat erworben werden.


Darüber hinaus bietet die Jesuitenuniversität Gregoriana seit vielen Jahren besondere Veranstaltungen für deutsche Freisemester an.

  1. Prof. David Volgger O.F.M.,
    Biblische Theologie und Altes Testament (Franziskanerhochschule Antonianum)
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Kontakt Direktor

Stefan Heid
Campo Santo Teutonico
00120 Città del Vaticano 
+39 06 698 92 672

IBAN DE07 3705 0299 0000 3729 61     BIC: COKS DE 33
Stichwort "Spende RIGG" oder "Mitgliedsbeitrag RIGG"

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Görres-Gesellschaft Bonn

Geschäftsstelle der Görres-Gesellschaft
Adenauerallee 19
53111 Bonn